Explore Carleton-specific, local, and national resources!


Currently, we have internal and external condoms, stress toys, menstrual products, ear plugs, sleep masks, chapstick, tissues, blue light glasses, and band-aids. More fun wellness supplies coming soon!

Items Available for Check-out

  • Light boxes: Useful for individuals with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) or seasonal depression, light boxes can be checked out from the OHP.
  • Yoga Mats: OHP purchased several yoga mats for glowga during the winter wellness challenge. These mats are now available for checkout as well! 
  • Fitness Trackers: Similar to fitbits, our Coffea Smart Bands can help you track your exercise and sleep! Also available for checkout in the OHP.

Stop by OHP to access these resources!

Bulletin Boards

Looking for an informational display on health topics? Feel free to explore the resources below! All of the resources have researched-based health information compiled by the Office of Health Promotion. Please retain all of the original information and sources. 

NOTE:  Printing of some resources might require large-format printing (greater than 8.5×11) 

Do we need to make an edit on a bulletin board? Are there additional topics you’d like to see? Have other feedback? Tell us on our feedback form!

SWA Stalls

Looking for an informational display on health topics? Feel free to explore the resources below! All of the resources have researched-based health information compiled by the Office of Health Promotion. Please retain all of the original information and sources. 

Stress/Positive Psychology

Mental Health

Free Health Coaching

Carleton does not currently offer Health Coaching during this academic term, but if you are interested in finding a health coach to support you on your wellness journey, please email healthpromotion@vrps.net.